Friday, August 16, 2002

So I'm home and the gig's over. My last time playing with my band. I thought maybe it would be hard or that I would be sad, but I'm not at the moment. I felt almost nothing on stage. Maybe it was the fact that I've played that venue so many times. Whatever it was, I didn't feel anything special tonight. What was sweet though is that we sold our CD's tonight. Twenty CDs our first night, not bad, not bad at all. It was fun to sign them. I need to work on a signature. Mine sucks hard core. Well, actually my full signature isn't too bad, but there's not time to write the whole thing. Jennifer Knapp looks like she signs about four letters. I assume there's a J in there somewhere. You can make it out if you look closely.

So, yet another piece of this chapter in my life closes. This is definitely the biggest transition I've ever faced in my life. I know for certain I'm not ready...on my own. I'm just trying to keep in mind that He has prepared me for this place, for this change, and will give me what I need to get through it. For that, I am eager.

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