Friday, October 18, 2002

I love how both of my classes today have gotten let out at least a half hour early. This morning I had a midterm which only took 25 minutes, so I was out half an hour early. Then my next class was only a quiz which took me about 15 minutes. It's been a rough 45 minutes of class today, let me tell you (notice the sarcasm). I'm so glad though; I had a hard night last night. Basically I was sobing at midnight. I decided to call up a friend here on campus and she came up to my room and stayed with me a while. She prayed with me and tucked me in and sang to me. She sung me songs that her mom used to sing to her when she was little to get her to fall asleep. I'm amazed at how a person I've only known a month can be so completely loving and giving. I pray I can do the same for her.

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