Thursday, November 21, 2002

I'm in the middle of doing homework, but I just have to post this. I'm "reading" a book called Renovation of the Heart by Dallas Willard for one of my classes at school. Notice how reading was put in quotes? That's because I usually skim it. I was reading some of it just now however, and I was so struck by this section.

"So, what kind of clothes should people wear to meetings, and should they stand still when they sing, and what should they sing? Should there be prayer ministry, and should it be part of the service, after the service, or at a different service? Should we be seeker friendly, or - whatever the alternatives are? Should we expect (permit) miracles to happen in our services, or just sound teaching? . . . What about those people who use incense? Or who don't? Or who wear unusual clothes to do the ministerial things? Or who don't? And on and on.

"Now please note: I am not saying that such things are of no importance, though for some of them it is a close call. I am saying two things: One is that they are not the starting points or the essential and foundational matters. And that is why the New Testament...says nothing about them. And secondly, if you make them out to be essential or even very important - even if you do so only practically, in the sense of spending most of your time on them - the local congregation will make little or no progress in terms of the spiritual formation of those in regular attendance. These "vessel" matters do not bring anyone into Christ-likeness, whichever side of them one stands on. That is a proven face of life. Look and see."

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