Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Tonight I went with a few friends to this dinner thing for a college group at a church. It was basically a time to hang out and eat dinner. We got pretty lost on our way there, but we made it in one piece and had a pretty good time. I got to talk with two of the people I came with a lot which was very cool. I've said it before and I'll say it again, hanging out with international students is so great. So, it's been a good night. And there was good food.

This morning I saw a few people from my high school. I was walking up to the music building for my theory class, and I heard someone yell my name. I looked up, and saw a group of people I knew standing by the music building door. I got to say hi to them all before heading off to class. They were on a tour so they couldn't sit in on my theory class, but it was really cool to connect with them. I didn't even know they were going to be there, so it was amazing that we even saw each other. I know I go to a private school that is comparatively small to other universities, but the odds of me seeing them on campus would still be very slim.

I don't have class tomorrow until 10:25. This pleases me greatly. And one of my classes is cancelled. Tomorrow is going to be very nice.

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