Friday, July 18, 2003

Oops. I know it's a bad sign when I start to type in the URL for blogger and it doesn't even come up automatically because I haven't been there in so long. Life's been mainly work work work. Unfortunately my job is getting a bit more boring because I'm spending a lot of time at the computer doing data entry. I still get to take a break and do something different every now and then (I was spackling a room the other day) but it's still a lot of time sitting in one spot staring at tiny writing and a computer screen. Ah well, only a couple more days of it until I'm off to Australia. I'm stoked about the trip, but it's still really unreal to me that I'm going. I think at this point I've thought about the trip so much there's really nothing left to think about, so it tends to slide into the back of my mind. I leave in five days. I hope they go fast.

I'm a little stressed about all the loose ends I have to get tied up before I go. Planning and event for the day after I get back, finding subs for worship team, getting as much stuff done at work as possible, trying to figure out what I need to pack, and the like. Maybe it's not so much, but I have a tendency to get worked up over such things. I guess I don't have the anti-stress ability like someone else I know.

Prayer requests: That the next five days would go quickly
Safe travels to Australia
Good times with God before I leave and while I'm there (that's been seriously lacking lately)
Safe travels for my parents who are going to Alaska while I'm gone
That I don't get fined by Australian customs
That I remember to contact the people I need to contact before I leave

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