Sunday, October 19, 2003

My stomach is churning. I just got back from the store where I bought what was necessary for dinner tonight: chocolate chips, blueberries, syrup, bananas, and ego waffles. Granted not all of those things are going to be used for dinner tonight, but the majority are. So we're having breakfast (pancakes) for dinner. Maybe it's a bit juvenille, but I don't really care. In fact, maybe I'll make a pancake in the shape of Mickey Mouse. That would be appropriate for my southern California residence.

Now that I've spent some time discussing the importance of breakfast food I'd like to move on to something a bit more substantial. Sometimes life comes up and just bites you right in the butt. Sounds like a painful experience and it definitely sometimes is, but I think today was just more of a surprise. For example, I talked to my sister on the phone today for about 15 minutes. Fifteen minutes requires a conversation. If you know anything about the relationship between my sister and I you will understand the significance of this statement. Surprise? Much. More substantial shock, finding out one of your best friend's Dad is in the hospital. Nothing extremely major but still something you don't wake up expecting. Life happens, and God taps you on the shoulder and says, "Hey remember all that stuff you were preoccupied with? It's not really important." Right. I'll try to remember that one for more than 30 minutes.

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