Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Ok so if anyone really wants to know what's going on in my life I guess this isn't the best source of information you could have. Then again I think about three people read anyway so it doesn't matter too much. Anyway, thanksgiving is over, I'm back at school and things are in full force. I have my last paper due tomorrow, the first half of a final to take on Thursday, and my typical day of/calm before the storm Friday. Saturday are juries for voice lessons, all day Monday will be spent in Orange County for our end-of-semester performance with Linda Eder. Tuesday the madness of finals begins, and will last an intense three days until Thursday afternoon from whence I will pack up all my stuff and fly home. I'm not sure if I'm going to have time to breathe in between all these things. Then again, I'm breathing now so I must be ok.

Thanksgiving with the family was great. It was nice to be up north and experience a little cold and rain. It's nice to be at a house that isn't so ghetto and drive around on roads and freeways I feel comfortable on. I stopped by my work and was reassured that I am welcome to work over Christmas break - all four weeks of it.

In the meantime, things are surreal here. Actual classes are easy - reviews for finals and evaluations, but outside of class the pressure is mounting. Thus far we're all trying to keep each other sane by making sure we get the appropriate amount of goof-off time and sleep. It'll all be ok, it's just going to be the longest two weeks of my life. Ready go.

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