Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Choir camp: check. Drive to and from Arizona: check. Fabulous time in a city that's much too hot with an amazing friend: check (as if that's really something on the list to check off). Senior year of college: commenced.

Today is my last first day of school. I find this really funny. I'm not going to say that I'd never go to grad school because that might end up happening someday, but certainly not soon. So, for now it's my last first day. I love it. I love being the oldest, even if it is strange. In chapel today all I was thinking was "who are all these really young people?" I only have one class today and choir which is just lovely. Basically my schedule this semester is amazing. Yay for 13 units and three of those units being choir and lessons.

So someday I might write more because now I'm at school which means I actually have to use my brain and might have something interesting to say. I'm tired of feeling brain dead all the time. My vocabulary has seriously diminished over the last few months. I suppose my 400 level philosophy class this afternoon might snap me out of that.

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