Saturday, December 20, 2008


What happens when you get one hundred 7-8 year-olds together? One of them throws up. I think it's some kind of universal law of physics or something. That's what happened this week at my very first concert at the elementary school. At the very end of the first half of the program, while the principal was giving instructions and telling everyone goodnight, one child in the back row throw up on a child(ren) in front of her. I was also facing the audience and did not see it, but immediately after the curtain closed I heard someone say "Someone had an accident on stage" and I thought, "oh no, someone peed their pants." But then I heard another person say, "One kid threw up on another." and I thought, "oh, good...?" Poor child. I hope they aren't forever ruined for concerts.

That aside, things at both concerts went excellently and everyone had a great time. I got lots of positive feedback and we had our greatest attendance ever. People keep crediting me but honestly I keep crediting the Christmas songs. What kid isn't going to want to show up to sing Rudolf?

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