So there's this thing circulating around facebook where people write 25 random things about themselves. I have avoided this trend for quite some time. Actually, it took quite a while for me to get tagged, but anyway, I really hate the idea of tagging people back so I just thought I would do it on here instead. I realize that's a little strange, but there's something in me that feels a little too conformist, and a lot too "hey, look at me!" if I did in on 'de book. So here goes.
1. I love the rain. Not so much being in it, but watching it and especially hearing it. I love how it gives you an excuse to curl up with a blanket and drink tea. It makes me feel clean, like something new is going to come about.
2. I used a night light until I was like 13 or some ridiculous age like that. I was seriously afraid of the dark. Whenever the power would go out at our house (which happened quite often) I would be terrified. Even when the power didn't go out during storms I'd be terrified that it
would go out.
3. I traveled to three foreign countries on three different continents before I ever went to Oregon.
4. When I was a kid I wanted to go to Stanford on a basketball scholarship and be awesome like Kate Starbird. By the time I got to high school I didn't really want that anymore. Probably because I didn't like being yelled at.
5. I used to speed. Not horribly, just about 5-7 mph over all the time. Now I always drive the speed limit and sometimes catch myself going slower. I think Sonoma County does that to you. I think I sometimes piss off the people behind me, but I know I'm saving them a ticket.
6. I am awesome at foosball and it's probably the activity I am most competitive at.
7. I basically want to pee my pants with excitement if I hear Russian being spoken. I think it's gorgeous and it always brings back so many fond memories of the motherland.
8. I love to read. Post-college I have rediscovered reading for pleasure and tend to go at it full force. Right now I'm reading three books. Typically I do no more than two at a time (one fiction and one non), but for some reason I have more going right now, and none of them are fiction.
9. I have played the guitar for more of my life than I have not. What I mean is, I started playing when I was 12 and now I'm 25, so you can do the math.
10. I love the ocean. Mainly, I just like watching it. I love to drive out to the coast, park my car and just watch the breakers. No need to go down to the beach, I can just watch from my car. I find the continuousness of it all very calming. I think it helps me put into perspective how small I am.
11. To elborate on number 10, I hate sand, especially between my toes. When I was in preschool I bugged the teachers too much about cleaning off my feet after getting out of the sand box, so they suggested that I sit on the edge and just put my hands in the sand. I think both myself and teachers were happier from then on.
12. I was valedictorian of my high school class. There were only 25 of us, so don't be too impressed.
13. My first kiss (well, if you don't count a couple of instances when I was 4) was in a church lobby a week before my 25th birthday.
14. One time I told God that if he was real he should show me a shooting star so I knew it was true. I knew I was being ridiculous and it wasn't a "make it or break it moment" for me, but the second after I had that thought I saw one out the window. I think I was 16 or 17.
15. I'm a really compassionate person and have been my whole life. When I was little my parents would make pancakes in the shape of Mickey Mouse, and when we put the syrup on top in vertical patterns we would say "we're putting Mickey Mouse is in jail." I always felt bad for Mickey, and he was a
16. I'm a little bit neurotic. I have to make my bed before I get into it, even if that means doing so literally right before.
17. I think I want to adopt some day. There are too many kids in the world that need a home. Working with orphans will do that to you.
18. I love my slippers. I wear them around the house all the time. I suppose my love of them might be based on the fact that our house is always freezing cold and the floor is about 50 degrees.
19. I have aspirations to be a bit of a hippie - shop farmers markets, eat really healthy, live communally, that sort of thing. Right now I bring my own bags to the grocery store. I figure that's a good start.
20. I love tea. Green tea with any kind of mint is fantastic, as is chai.
21. I can read Russian (note I said read, not understand). It is very slow and very badly mispronounced, but I can read it.
22. When I was a kid I wanted to play the drums. I asked my parents and they kept saying no. It wasn't until I taught myself how to play without even having a set of my own that they finally believed I was serious. I got my drum kit for xmas when I was 15. My sister was pissed.
23. I am a massive critical thinker and analyze everything, often to death. While this is something I like about myself, it also can be a source of negativity. I'm working on being less cynical.
24. I'm the youngest in my family, and only have one cousin on either side that is younger than me. You wouldn't know it by how I act though. I'm definitely not the typical youngest child.
25. All through college I said I would never teach - never music, and never to little kids. My life now is proof that God has a sense of humor, and that we don't always know what's best for us.
Hmm, I think I'm going to put this on facebook after all, but without the tagging!