Saturday, August 31, 2002

I'm typing on my new laptop. The most beautiful thing about it is that it's mine and it's SUPER fast. I'm going to be super frustrated when I come home and have to go back to the old 56k. The orientation madness started today. My roommate and I arrived back on campus at about 9:45 to see a line of cars backed up about two blocks from the campus' main entrance. The place was a complete madhouse. It's still a little on the wild side, but no one's moving in anymore or standing in any humongous lines to get ID cards or PO box keys. My second roommate is all moved in as well, and my room looks a LOT less empty. It doesn't seem crowded which is nice, of course there hasn't been any bathroom conflict/sharing yet. That's not going to be too fun.

I'm listening to John Reuben. I have been completely deviod of music for over a week. It was starting to drive me insane! But now I have my music and my computer and I'm feeling much more at home. That's so lame, I'm so dependant it's quite sad. Tomorrow we have some more orientation stuff going on, I'm not sure exactly. I know we have worship in the morning. That will probably be the only thing I go to beside this skit thing called "good times" that they're doing tomorrow night. Everyone's said that's going to be hilarious, so I guess I'll have to check it out. And I guess that's it for now.

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