Sunday, August 04, 2002

Kids are cool. This morning I worked with my mom in a sunday school class for 5th and 6th graders, and I had a lot more fun than I expected to. The kids are working on a puppet show to put on for the preschoolers next week, and I was in charge of one of the three groups while everyone was rehearsing. These kids are so great. I found myself so proud of my group and was beaming the whole time they did their puppet show for the rest of the class. Unfortunately, one of our main people won't be there next week for the performance, but my mom said she got a good sub. Imagine this...a sheep sock puppet, a sock puppent meant to look like a sheep but instead looks like a lizard, two slightly deformed sheep puppets, and the shepard. It's priceless. The kids have done a good combination of goofy and serious as well, I think that shows a lot of maturity on that part.

I'm becoming a lot more prone to liking kids lately. It kinda scares me, but it's been cool as well. I guess I had to start to like them sometime.

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