Saturday, September 28, 2002

An absense of blogging for two whole days. This should be an indicator of how incredibly busy life has been. Today's been nice. I got up at about ten, got a little bit of work done, listened to some music, showered and went to lunch. Both my roommates are gone this weekend. It's so quiet, I love it. My suitmates are gone too (they go home every weekend it seems) so I have my room and the bathroom all to myself. It's nice to be alone after a rather hectic week. I wouldn't want it this way always, but it's good to have some me time.

Last night I got to chill with a girl that I'm getting closer to. I played some guitar for her, because she'd been bugging me this week about playing for her. I love it when people can sense that it's my passion. Some people don't care, other people just think it's cool, but a few notice how entralled I am in it. I love it when that happens. I love it when people recognize it, because it confirms that it's something God has given me and put in my heart. From there we watched a movie with a couple guys. I think it was called Heart's War, or something like that. It had Bruce Willis in it. Very good movie, I'd definitely recommend it. And that's a big deal coming from me, because I'm not all that interested in movies. I actually didn't get to bed last night until one, despite the fact that we finished the movie around 11. I wish I'd gotten more sleep. Ah well, I still have tonight since I don't have to leave for church until 9:45. And now I'd better get to work again.

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