Saturday, September 21, 2002

Today a guy came by our room claiming that we had ordered a pizza. I put an end to his scheme though by telling my roommate that he went to our school. It turned out he'd been going all over our floor doing that, and he had an audience of two people that had been watching them. I decided to join them, which was thoroughly entertaining. Someone even handed him $20. He gave it back after handing her the empty pizza box though. After that we went back to someone's room and played silent football. That is my new favorite game. Completely hilarious. Basically it's a game with a bunch of crazy rules, and if someone voilates one of them someone has to raise their hand and address the commissioner in a certain way to get them in trouble. The accusation has to be seconded, then the accused is given a chance to defend themselves. Then everyone votes if they're guilty or not. If they're guilty, they get a point. Oh, and before the game starts everyone has to agree on a consequece for the loser. Ours was that the loser had to go around to three people (two members of the opposite sex and one of the same sex) and convey to them without using words "I'm not wearing any underwear." Needless to say that was the most hilarious part of the evening. A close second though was when the girl who ended up losing received a point for doing nothing but sitting there. Someone accused her of farting, which isn't even against any rules. We all voted to give her a point though, so she got one. Great times.

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