Tuesday, December 17, 2002

I've been home since thursday night, and if you don't count today then I think more of my time at home has been spent without electricity than with it. Needless to say it's been a weird couple of days. Things are looking pretty nice today though. We have our power back (came back last night at 3am, after over 24 hours without it), the sun is shining, and I just made myself some lunch. We have a kitchen. It's so nice to have a kitchen where you can make yourself lunch. Ahhh the things you take for granted until you live in a dorm.

My plans for my break consist of sleep, hang out, watch tv, get ahead in some classwork, write songs, play guitar, work out, and spend some serious time with God. The last four haven't really happened yet. I have three more weeks though, they'll get done for sure.

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