Wednesday, March 12, 2003

I thought I was going to be able to sleep in today. I set my alarm for ten, knowing that my roommate was going to have to get up at eight, but hoping I'd be able to sleep through most of her getting ready. Wrong. I finally dragged myself out of bed (for the last time) at 9:45, having been awake since 8. So much for that.

My first class was cancelled this morning (hense the sleeping in) and as I've been getting ready I've been thinking a lot about the next couple years, scheduling my classes, the possible dts, housing for next year...all those kinds of details. I was thinking about being away and how much I feel like I've changed and how if I went on a DTS I'm sure I'd change even more. I was also thinking about how much I miss my parents now and how much more I'll miss them if I'm gone for six months. I also realized how long two months is, especially in another country. But this is what it comes down to: either I succomb to my fears and never do anything in life, or I let them go and trust God to lead me on some crazy adventures that I will never forget and will leave me changed and strengthened by Him. When you look at it that way it's not such a difficult choice.

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