Sunday, March 09, 2003

It's been a good weekend. A hard one, but I think I can still say that it's been a good one. Spent around 45 minutes crying today. Combination of missing home, missing family, being overly sentimental, and missing some friends. I haven't really cried for a while and quite frankly it was necessary. I was on the verge so many times yesterday, and it all just needed to come out.

Last night I spend a lot of time praying, worshipping, and reading. It was really good and really needed. I was feeling pretty broken down and had a free night besides, so I took the time to just seek God. My recommendation to anyone and everyone: spend as much time with God as you can. Obviously it didn't leave me feeling peachy today (crying for 45 minutes remember), but the words spoken to my heart and the convictions and encouragements and healing is so worth it. I don't understand God at all, there's still so much to learn, and I'll never be able to figure Him out. That's pretty wild.

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