Saturday, June 14, 2003

If you've been over to Mel's site recently you've probably read her little bit about me coming to Australia. Well my friends, that is indeed true. At the moment I have a ticket on hold, which will be finalized on Monday morning. It's a long story, but basically God is amazing and I think He's been flashing a silly grin the whole time this ticket process has been going on because he's been so excited to see how excited we've gotten about all this. And let me tell you, I'm excited. Though I think I'm in denial. Mel on the other hand, is not. She definitely screamed in my ear several times when I called her last night. She's a funny kid.

So that's been the major even of the past weekish. Last night I went to the graduation at my high school. It was so much fun. I think besides missing out on grad night, I might have actually had more fun last night than I did at my own graduation last year. Maybe that's because I didn't have to stress about giving a speech. I cried twice. Why in the world do I cry at someone else's graduation (multiple times) when I didn't shed a single tear at my own? I have no clue. I guess I'm just weird that way. It was a great night overall. I got to talk to all the people I wanted to, including some members of my class (that had siblings and friends graduating) that I hadn't seen for a long time. Yesterday was just a really happy day. I got things with my ticket finalized for the most part, I saw both my grandmas and my step-grandpa, I had an excellent time at the grad, and I got to hear Mel scream on the phone. Today has paled in comparison, but that's alright. I think if every day was as exciting as yesterday I'd be dead after a week from sheer overload.

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