Thursday, December 11, 2003

The day has finally arrived. It's been a long week, and today will be a long day, but I'm finally going home. For a month. That's a long time. Finals up to this point have gone smoothly. I'm not sure why, but I feel particularly uptight about today's tests. I know I'm in good shape for them and I know what I need to know, but I have this feeling deep in the pit of my stomach. Last night it took me an hour and a half to fall asleep, and this morning I got up half an hour before my alarm. I think when I get home tonight I'll be exhausted.

I'm torn about going home. I'm so excited for the break and the chance to see my family. There are a couple friends I'm anxious to see after so many months apart. I can't wait to have no homework. I'm going to miss it here a lot though. I'll miss my roommates, miss my friends, miss chapel...all the good things about school. I'll miss my philosophy class too. I can't wait to be at home and just relax and think. That's something I've had very little time for this semester, and I'm glad I'll be able to go home and process a lot of stuff that's been floating around my mind.

One more random thing, all my roommates took a pretty famous personality test online and the results of mine seriously scared me. They have lists describing characteristics of people of each type divided into different categories like emotions, at home, at work, etc. The first ten or so characteristics were exactly like me. My mouth was gaping open. And for anyone that's familiar with this tests, I came out as a strong Meloncholic (over half of my total points), with a bit of phlegmatic. You can see what those things are here.

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