Saturday, February 09, 2008

I have a dog

...and a cat!

Okay, not really. I'm actually just housesitting for my friends that do. Today is day one and I already love it. These are the best behaved pets in the world. I know what you're thinking, don't speak too soon. But I know these animals and I know how great they are. Lola (the dog) will obey your every command. Boo (the cat) recognizes her name and will respond to your voice as well. Plus, she likes to give you a hug in the morning. It's adorable.

All this is really doing is make me want to get a dog of my own. Hopefully after a few days I'll be really sick of the responsibility and remember all the reasons why I can't have a dog right now.

1 comment:

John Knight said...

I'd love it if you could make me a banner. But...I don't know what I want it to look like or say. I have problems making up my mind. But if you make something I'll probably put it up just because it'll look better than anything I could ever do.