Saturday, March 15, 2008

sell out

Earlier today I was logging out of myspace (I feel like I just lost 5 IQ points for typing that sentence) and I came across an interesting ad. Let me just stop right there and say that I pretty much hate myspace, especially all the advertising contained within, and most especially how dirty most all of it is. Like those ads where they have the video of the hot guy sitting at his computer like he's checking out the if you're actually going to find that guy. Anyway, it's manipulative and shallow 99.9% of the time.

But today, something different.

"God has called you to impact the world for him."

[exqueeze me, baking powder?]

It was an ad for Biola! I don't even want to know how much they spent to run a rather large ad on myspace. Hmm, maybe that's why APU is still thousands of dollars cheaper (though to even use the word cheap in the same sentence as APU is pretty much ridiculous).

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I was inspired by a dear friend to write a haiku. Sometimes they just say things best (and sometimes they're also ridiculously absurd).

My head could explode
I may have spoken too soon
Grey is very hard

Thursday, March 06, 2008

thowing up is not fun

Unfortunately, it's what I did most of the day yesterday. The stomach flu is never enjoyable.

So, I took my first full sick day since I started work. I'm going to take a half a day today too because I just need to take it easy. Even though things are starting to get hectic, if it was going to happen any time this week was actually better than most. I had a really productive Monday and Tuesday so I don't really feel behind.

So kids, wash your hands a lot because there is some nasty stuff going around. Of course, I'm a gerbophobe and I wash my hands all the time and I still got sick, so, just be prepared to get sick every now and then.