Saturday, January 25, 2003

Ok so yesterday and today have broken the whole "phenominal weekends" bit hard core. I had a mother of a night last night, followed by the worst headache I've ever had, followed by waking up with flu-like symptoms this morning. Loads of fun ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you. At least I haven't had to do anything today. I've just laid around, called my mom, watched a movie...stuff like that. I think I'm gonna pop another movie in pretty soon. Movies are nice distractions from feeling ill.

I thought calling my mom was going to make me super-emtional so I put it off for a while, but it was ok. I just had to convince myself it would do more bad than good to cry. All that negative emotion plus feeling sick is a really bad combo. So now I'm going to try to relax, continue a conversation I'm in, and hope that the soup I ate a while ago doesn't find its way out of my system more quickly than it should (if you know what I mean).

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