Thursday, September 11, 2003

The internet is definitely not working at my apartment. It's very annoying. A lot has happened this week. I've had to make a lot of decisions. None of them were really forced on me, it's just the way it worked out. I'm still praying about working with that high school group. Thus far I'm feeling good about it. Today I dropped my first required class for one of my emphases. That's right folks, that means I've completely dropped one of my two emphases. Let me tell you, it feels good. I'm also strongly considering a philosophy minor. I know what you're thinking, "Didn't you just drop an emphasis to make your life easier?" Well, a philosophy minor is less units than the emphasis. Ridiculous I know. Nonetheless, I'm stoked at the possibility. I'm going to have to talk about my philosophy class more in depth sometime. But not right now when I'm typing on this crappy mac keyboard. You have no clue how many times I've had to hit backspace.

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