Tuesday, October 12, 2004

How quickly time goes by and how little I write in here. My first inclination is to say "not much has happened" but that'd probably be a bit false. Seeming how I've been to an opera at the Sydney Opera House, a major album recording at Hills, and booked a trip to Cairns since my last blog, maybe those things are worth mentioning. Oh wait, I already did.

The opera was astounding. I saw The Barber of Seville and the whole production was entirely mind-blowing. The music was incredible, and the acting and set and lighting were so magnificent and backed the music up so well. I am a sucker for tenors, let me tell you, and it certainly helps that two of the main characters in the opera are tenors. Me gusta mucho. Quick side note - sometimes when I go to Circular Quay I get really excited because I find Spaniards tourists who are speaking in Spanish. Sadly I can hardly understand them as they're speaking so fast with a Spanish accent and my Spanish sucks at this point, but it still makes me excited. End side note.

I've been to a couple things at Hills this past week that have got me really pumped up. I went to Hillsong women for the first time ever last Thursday morning and it was excellent. Bobbie Houston is hilarious. She was telling all these stories about Joel and how he got dropped on his head and all these crazy other things. This girl who goes to Hillsong who's my age also played some songs before Bobbie got up to speak. Apparently she's gone platinum several times over in New Zealand (she's a Kiwi) and her album just came out in Oz recently. She has an awesome voice. Her name is Brooke Fraser, and I bet she has a website so you should check her out (i.e. I'm sure Mel will do this). I got her CD a few days ago at Target (oh Aussie Target you have redeemed yourself...for now) and it's pretty good. Not what I expected, but it's totally grown on me. Though I have to say the CD doesn't quite do her live voice justice. Seriously this girl is awesome, and so completely rooted in God. It's all very inspirational.

Next Hillsong excursion was the recording on Saturday night. To bring back a phrase from my past - it was off the hook. Seriously. Some of the slower songs on that album are amazing. The fast ones are a bit hard to get into as they're pretty much rock songs with worship lyrics, but they can be learned eventually. The whole time I was just so amazed at the hearts of the worship leaders and the people there. Hillsong is a church that is so seeking after God, it's pretty amazing. And He shows up there in incredible ways. After a couple months I'm a bit more "used" to things there; meaning, I'm no longer super distracted by the differences while I'm at church there. So it's been really awesome to be there and worship and seek God 'in the house.' Yeah, God is good.

Last topic, Cairns. Cairns is at the top of the east coast and it's basically this great rainforest/beach place that I'm sure will be hotter than hell but absolutely beautiful. And I'll get to see the Great Barrier Reef, which is such a privledge and something I'm so excited about. I'm definitely learning here that you need to get out and take opportunities. Granted these things are costing me some of my savings and I can't always live like this, but there are certainly times for adventure and this is one of them. I think my life is going to be characterized by more adventure from now on...at least I want it to be.

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